Still risk over the weekend, but perhaps less

April 19, 2024

–Strong Philly Fed (highest since Q2 2022) contributed to a move to higher yields.  In treasuries the 5yr led, rising 7.1 bps to 4.684%.  Tens +6.4 at 4.645%.  On the SOFR curve reds were weakest, settling -9.0.  New high in M4/M5 calendar at -66, up 8 on the day (9473, -1.0/9539 -9.0).  SFRZ4 settled 9504, -6.5, at nearly 5%, indicating about 1.5 eases this year.

–Limited Israel strikes on Iran caused volatility overnight, for example, TYM4 surged to 108-22+ up a full point from settle. However, all initial moves have significantly subsided; TYM now 108-04. I don’t know how much copper it takes to keep the war machine running, but we’re seeing a cocoa-like bid there, up another 5 cents today to new highs, with HGK4 4.487.

–Decent amount of downside trades in SOFR options yesterday, the largest being a new buy of 40k SFRZ5 9475/9425/9375p fly for 4.0.  Settled there vs 9565.5 in Z5.  603 days until expiry.  There was also a buyer of 20k U4/Z4/H5 flies for 1.0 to 1.5.  Sept/Dec settled -17 and Dec/March -18 so fly settled +1.  In the old days of ED futures, U/Z/H flies would be bought in order to cover the year-end ‘turn’ embedded in Dec contracts.  Not sure of the motivation for this one, though M4/U4/Z4 settled +3 (-14/-17).  More emphasis on pre- to post- election trades.  The U4/Z4 calendar at -17 is a new recent high (9487/9504).  

–Perhaps weekend risk is a bit more muted since the Israel/Iran conflict appears slightly less inflammatory.  However, large equity option expiration today.

SFRU/V 9462.5p cal 2.25 to 2.5
SFRU4/V4 9450/9400ps spd 1.0-1.25 paid 25k
SFRZ5 9475/9425/9375p fly 4 paid 40k
SFRH6 9475/9425/9375p fly 3.5 paid 5k
SFRZ5 9525/9400ps cov 9566, 22d 30 paid 5k
SFRH5 9825c 2.5 paid 20k
Later TYM4 107.5p cov 107-24, 53 paid 10k
U/Z/H fly 1.25 paid 20k


Posted on April 19, 2024 at 5:42 am by alex · Permalink
In: Eurodollar Options

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